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Korean red pepper paste, Gochujang, is all the hype right now, recommended as a fabulous ingredient by Nigella Lawson herself.

The red chilli pepper tang, coupled with delicious undertones of onion and garlic, provide a rich aroma and mouth-watering flavour.

You can use it to make authentic Korean dishes such as bibimbap and tteokbboki, but don’t stop here! Add it to your signature broth, your favourite mayonnaise or even your secret marinade recipe... Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone what the magic ingredient is.

Check out what Nigella Lawson has to say about Gochujang:

Korean brand Ajumma Republic’s authentic Gochujang can be found at various Asian and Oriental food stores across the UK as well as in some supermarkets such as Asda and Sainsbury’s.